If you’re a startup founder or stakeholder, read on for a clear actionable guide to implementing effective cybersecurity and compliance measures.

<aside> ⚡ **Data breaches are great for marketing! Except for the most critical of data breaches, brand power and familiarity increase by over a 25% following a data breach. $^1$

Cybersecurity efforts that reduce probability are questionable. Controls that reduce impact should be considered. As Winston Churchill said, “Never waste a good crisis”.**


To get started, skim through this guide. If you use Notion, feel free to duplicate this page, and you’ll have the skeleton of your cybersecurity program started. In this guide, there are:

Most of the recommendations in this guide can cost little to nothing, of course, with all things, cost can rise depending on your choices. For example, Microsoft Defender is free, but if you need centralized alerting, you need to pay. Or getting your policies in ship shape is free, but having an attorney review it costs money.

What’s in this Guide?

Understanding Your Startup's Needs

<aside> ✅ What you must do

<aside> ❇️ What you should do

<aside> ❌ What you shouldn’t do

Assessing the Type and Sensitivity of Data Handled

Identifying Regulatory Requirements

Where does your startup operate or do business, including where your customers are, regardless of where you perform the service or create the product?